Tadpole Time

Tadpole Babysitter

After a miserable fail on my part, that involved the death of many tadpoles, we have attempted Round Two or our Tadpole Habitat studies.
The original habitat was a small jar containing a dizzying number of tadpoles.
By the days end, many of them had died. We had to decide if we were going to chance the rest of their lives, or set the living free and continue our research before collecting new tadpoles.
We set them free.
I did more reading.

Round One 

As I learned, I was not the only person who had killed many tadpoles without researching first.
The key point: less tadpoles, more water (pond or non-chlorinated).
We also learned we had to chop, boil and freeze lettuce in a thin layer, to feed them each day.

 Round Two

Now on Day Four of Round Two, our tadpoles are all still living and thriving. 
As they grow their legs, we will have to release them back to where they can catch their own food and breathe above water.

We also change their water daily with 'fresh' pond water.

Metamorphosis Charting
Everyone is keen to watch metamorphosis take place. Miss O took it upon herself to write a chart of the stages, as she witnesses them.
The questions keep coming!

Do tadpoles poo?
Yes! It looks like fish poo and should not be mistaken for leg growth!

Will they get a larger head?

Can they see?

Are they all the same species of frog?

Do they have mothers?
Yes, but these guys will be on their own.

Who are their predators?

Will other frogs eat tadpoles?

Do tadpoles drink water?
Tadpoles have gills like fish and get their oxygen from the water that passes through 

Well, I know they can kiss because they just did!