Pestle & Mortar Play

 Granite Stone Mortar & Salt from the Dead Sea
O concentrating on her rhythm!

We combined two gifts from Dabby, to make a little activity the other day.
A few years ago he bought a Granite Stone Pestle and Mortar. We were in a serious Jamie Oliver phase;)
In the Spring, Dabby took a business trip to Jordan and brought back salt from the Dead Sea. I enlisted my wee helper to grind the salt into a fine powder for body scrub.

The salt is a little wet, so the granite stone worked well (apparently the wooden pestle and mortar are best for dry goods.) We got some large motor skill action, made some pretty designs in the stone mortar and practiced scooping skills. The pestle was a little heavy for the wee girl, but she did not notice and kept working at it! She always seems to see work as play and I guess for kids they are one in the same (why do we grow out of that!?)

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