What's Up, Doc?

 Is there a Doctor in the house?
 First Patient
 Doctors Bag
X-Ray, bandages, stethascope, nebulizer mask, syringe

Since breaking out the Doctors Kit last week, O has been going around the house saying "Doc?" and then checking our heartbeat (usually in our cheeks!) with her stethascope!
The more she played with the kit, the more I realized how many practical motor skills were involved; the unscrewing of the old pill bottle (the not-child-safe version), pumping the syringe, securing the elastic mask around her head, velcro-ties on the bandages, snapping the Doc's bag open and shut...
The stethascope got the most attention by far.
Now when she see's a heart shape anywhere, she calls "Doc!" and runs for her most favoured of medical equipment!

Toe, Leg, Knee. I learned this clever song from an teacher training class in Shanghai. To the tune of 'Do, Re, Mi' sing Toe, Leg, Knee, Arm, Elbow, Jaw, Teeth, Nose and then backwards.

Medical Equipment Expansion. Older children could use a perscription or diagnosis pad to practice writing skills.  Consider a miscroscope for children who would like to learn about lab work. Not a fan of the Doctors Office? Create a kit that encompasses tools you would find at the TCM or Homeopathics office.