Stones & Shells

 Coral Candlesticks
 Bumpy Vs Smooth

 Coral Puzzle
Ice Cube Tray 

Sensory bins are a great, cheap option for exploration.
We collected some rocks from our neighbourhood and brought home shells and coral from Thailand.
Since O has been sick, these 'quiet' exploration activities fit the bill for playtime.

She uses the coral 'sticks' often and usually they become candlesticks for playdough cake.
She loves to point out the smooth and bumpy sides of the shells and stones.
Slowly but sure, she is learning how to place a single shell in each compartment of the ice cube trays, but the best part of this activity remains dumping them out.

Sensory Bin Genius remains Tinkerlab Mommy. She has sensory bins for everything you can imagine and some lovely holiday themed ideas.

Cheap & Easy. No need to look further than your own home. Check out your kitchen cupboard, tool box and junk drawer for safe exploration items. Cater to the child's age keeping in mind larger items for the baby who loves to put everything in their mouths, but consider small things like nuts and bolts for your older inquisitive type!