Sound Jars
Intro to the Sound Jars
Super simple sound jars are Montessori-inspired play you can (economically) make with stuff around the house.
All you need is...
~kitchen staples (dried beans, rice, salt and any other items that will hold uo with loads of shaking.)
This set was made years ago for one of my kindergarten classes with some recycled tin cans. The lids were easily placed permanently on with hot glue. The advantage of tin is the great sound it makes when the contents are shaking around.
The cans are marked red or orange on the sides and top...
..while the undersides are marked by the colour of their match.
The idea of this activity is to take one of each colour (red & orange) and shake them separately to see if their sounds match. However, the target age group for this activity is around 3 or 4 years old.
The two-year olds in kindergarten, just liked watching me fumble with making a match. The more funny faces and mistakes I made, the better!
And my two-year old at home, liked putting the cans in their place, according to their colour.
Later they became giant candles for a 'cake', complete with a few rounds of "Happy Birthday!"
As with most things around our house, O finds unique uses for rather plain objects!