Snowy Day: Good Old Cardboard

Snow in Shanghai

Shanghai tends to have a very, gray winter.
Since there is a lack of snow, it makes the days seem even more dull.
But just days ahead of the Year of the Snake celebrations, it snowed!!
Even though she is Canadian, O is not accustomed to seeing snow, other than in books.
She recited lines from Toad and Frog All Year (the snow stories) and we read a few other snowy tales.

 House Number 4

We had to wait for a delivery and the delivery happened to come in a box!
Due to the fact that there was not enough snow to play in, we opted to make soup and a cardboard house.
Ahhhh...memories of childhood!

O loves her "peek" window...
...and waiting for mail!


Read: Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. The Mitten by Jan Brett.
Create: Snow Playdough
Make: Slushies (my sister and I used to fill a glass with snow and top with juice!)