

Masking tape is another cheap and  handy household item that can be used for a number of mapped out floor games.
A while back we used masking tape for a game of Walk the Line inspired by Montessori activities. http://mamadrool.blogspot.com/2012/06/walk-line.html 

Today we thought we would try a tiny game of good, old-fashioned Hopscotch. Technically hopscotch is played by tossing a stone to land in one of the number boxes, skipping that box as you hop and on your return, balancing on one foot as you retrieve your stone.
That is not how our version went this morning;)

O was happy to help me figure out which numbers belong in which boxes (we started with a simple 1-5 version) as I mapped out the tape. I brought out a soft ball for throwing and did a little demo.
O then took her turn, "jumping into the water like Dorge."
"Who is Dorge?" I asked.
"Dorge from the book." she said matter-of-factly, as she continued to "splash" into the water (number boxes) and ask that I dry her off.

I forgot we read Curious George, the original version, yesterday, where George flips overboard the boat and needs to be rescued by sailors.

And so went our game of Hopscotch.

Daddy Up's the Ante. Adding Roman Numerals brings a bit of a twist. Thanks Daddy!