Alphabet Blocks; Early Letter Recognition
Good old Alphabet Blocks
Remember those old alphabet blocks?
The popular Melissa & Doug company sell the old-fashioned set, complete with images stamped on the sides.
Loads of language-play opportunities (phonics, letter recognition, spelling practice, matching games).
O is familiar with the alphabet, via several ABC songs (Chicka Chicka Boom, ABCD, A You're Adorable) but not at the point where she can recognize the symbol representing each letter (except for "O"!)
When I bring out the Alphabet Blocks, it mostly becomes a game of building a "zoo" for her animals or a tower which she waits anxiously to crash! This week we tried a simple game of setting up the blocks in alphabetical order and removing one, so she can see what is missing.
Starting with "A"
"Start from the very beginning, the very best place to start..."
"M" in the middle
Then the "M" in the middle went missing. O found it and hid it somewhere!
We aren't in a rush for her to recognize the letters. Loads of story time and exposure to letters in everyday life sneak in lots of learning opportunities. But it doesn't hurt to play with the alphabet now and again...even if that just means hiding letters around the house!
ABC Tic Tac Toe. Love this version of the popular Tic Tac Toe. If you already have ABC blocks, make a simple TTT board. Place a vowel in the center. Each player can take a turn trying to make a three-letter word.