Vegan Bites: Comfort Cabbage Rolls
Granny's Veggie Version
Something about Cabbage Rolls reminds me of my Granny.
They lacked a lot of spice, but hit the nostalgia nail right on the head.
O loved the filling, but can always do without the greens.
Vegan Cabbage Rolls
~1 head cabbage (steam and separate leaves)
~6-8 large tomatoes (steam & skin)
Puree steamed tomatoes in blender.
Simmer on stove with...
~1 pinch salt & pepper
~1 t baking soda
~1 clove garlic
~1/2 minced onion
~oregano & rosemary
Saute in olive oil...
~4 cloves garlic
~1 minced onion
~salt & pepper
~1 t each chili powder, allspice & paprika
~2 t lemon juice
~2 cups cooked (green) lentils
~1 cup cooked brown rice
Roll the filling in cabbage leaves.
Pour a layer of tomato sauce in baking pan.
Place rolls on top and cover with another layer of sauce.
Bake on lowest temp. for 40 mins.