No 'Poo & DIY Pitstick: Frugal & Eco Living

"No 'Poo" refers to NOT using shampoo products on our hair.
It sounds gross all-round, but we DO use product, just not commercial shampoo.
We have simplified down to a Baking Soda Wash & Cider Vinegar Rinse.
It is a bit tricky to get used to not lathering up, as the baking soda definitely does not lather.
The Cider Vinegar Rinse is absolutely NOT no-tears material, so be cautious of your eyes!
The shine is lovely. But rinse well or risk smelling like a Chip Wagon (which may be an aphrodisiac!)

Baking Soda & Cider Vinegar are 'pantry items' around here. We have avoided using chemicals and subbed in these two, cheap products for cleaning house. Baking soda, plus some sea salts and oils serve as a great base for 'home spa' recipes.

Now for the Pitstick.
I receive weekly emails to my inbox from Apartment Therapy.
A few weeks back, a recipe for Homemade Deodorant popped up.
It was perfect timing! Buying Pitstick (as my husband calls it) in Shanghai is a nightmare.
We actually have to stock up when we go back to Canada. However, so many of the female commercial deodorants STILL contain aluminum (except good old Tom's!).
So, we collected the ingredients from our home apothecary and today we are trying out the Pitstick recipe.

Not only are we saving money on commercial products, we are reducing the amount of household waste while using ingredients that are safe to go down the drain.
..and of course incorporating a little science into our day!