Toddler Tales: The Poo Stick

The Poo Stick

Nothing is more entertaining to me than the innovation and interpretation of everyday objects in the eyes of a child.
O always impresses me with her playful imagination using simple things from the environments she plays in.
Now she is at the point where she is aware of how inventive, not to mention how humourous she is being!

Pictured above, you might notice a simple-looking wooden block with stripes.
Simple, it is not. 
It is O's 'Poo Stick'.
She keeps this in the bathroom beside the toilet.
There is an identical one, but it is her 'phone', not to be mistaken for the 'Poo Stick'.

The first time she held this, while on her potty seat, she explained to me,
"This button is for Poo. This one is for Pee. And this one is for Dog (?)"
She pushes the button and voila! Mission accomplished!

I laughed my ass off!
This was faith at it's very best! 
And I wondered why I don't use a wooden block for all the things I want to accomplish!

Today, when she used her potty seat I asked,
M: "You need your Poo Stick?"
O: "No. I can try without it. "
O: "One minute. My poo is loading." Then she laughed hysterically, knowing this would be funny!
She accomplished her feat.
O: "I not need my Poo Stick. See?"

And again, faith at it's very best!
The things we can learn from our toddlers.