Three's Company...
Four's a party;)
Yes, we have a Family Bed.
We bought a crib with all intents and purpose.
Then first baby arrived.
The crib collected dust.
Nearly three years have passed and there is no looking back.
There was no talk of moving O from her position in between us, in time for C's arrival.
C sleeps on the other side of mommy, giving her full access to milk.
The crib is now wedged between the bed & wall, which serves to keep us from falling out!
We're not sure if we get more sleep or less.
Morning breath, leaky boobs and baby hurl happens regularly.
We wake up with arms covering our eyes and feet lacing our legs!
Newest bed-sharer
Instant reminder of how lucky you are in life.
NOTE: Most cultures practice co-sleeping. It's not a new trend for crunchy mama's only.
Nighttime Parenting. Parenting is a 24/7 privilege. Nighttime parenting is so much simpler when babes are close by.
Co-Sleeping Safety. There are definite do's and do not's to keep your Family Bed as safe as possible.
Sometimes Co-Sleepers. There are no fast and straight rules to co-sleeping. Dr. Sear's has eight children. The man knows what he is talking about!