Parenting Picks: Patterns

 Tiny Flowers

A friend brought me the perfect post-maternity top, weeks before C was born, though I had no idea at the time, how much the shirt would be appreciated.
I wore it during my stay with C in NICU. It was nice to wear something from a friend, while I nursed and cuddled C amongst the monitors and hospital staff.
But C also showed me what an alert and interested baby she was as she studied the tiny flower patterns.

Paul Frank: Bold Pattern

Working with families to design nurseries has definitely introduced me to how much babies appreciate patterns.
The bolder the better. 
In fact, black and white is best, due to the stark contrast.
Newbies eyes are working hard to develop and focus.
C prefers her Paul Frank onesie to all her other clothes (above) and studies the stripes intently.

 Wee Gallery

The family owned and operated 'Wee Gallery' has cashed in (rightfully so!) on babies preference to bold black and white images. They design "smart art" to attract babies attention. 
We purchased their beautiful accordion cloth book for O and it's currently being enjoyed by C!

 C enjoying a book!

DIY Baby Art. Paint or colour your own baby book. If you are not fond of drawing, find images from the internet, or give your older children black paint and white paper (or vice versa) and they'll help you complete a piece for baby.

Felt Tags. We made these with velcro tie's to attatch to the baby carrier. There are several woodlands animals to circulate over the week. Match your nursery decor with two high contrast colours.

Around the House. Take a tour around your home. I had an old black & white apron, extra large playing dice and black & white dishes C also appreciated!