Vegan Bites: Sprouting

 Seed Soakin'


 (Nut Milk) Bagging

 Observe & Record

Sprouting is a fantastic hands-on science & nutrition lesson.
It involves sorting (culling), soaking and sprouting 'tails' on seeds. grains, beans and pulses.
It encompasses the nature of Raw Living: to eat plant life in their most nutritious state.
Since leaves are not involved in the process, sunlight (photosynthesis) is unnecessary. 
But to keep your sprouts healthy (alive and mold-free), they require regular moisture and ventilation, hence the Nut Milk or Hemp bag or mesh-covered mason jars used for sprouting.

Seeds, grains, beans and pulses must be soaked, generally overnight but a few require as little as a couple of hours. "Sprout People" have a fabulous reference page for guidance.

Lentil Tails