Vegan Bites: Apple Pie Parfait

The Peeler

Peels, cores and slices into spirals.
The info-mercial is just too easy for this clever kitchen tool.
We do go through bushels of apples in this house, so when Fram mentioned this free tool kicking around her quarters, we scooped it up!

We have done apple sauce (baked is best) a kazillion times, so I looked up idea's on Oh She Glows and found this doozy of a breakfast parfait!

We used grape juice in place of apple juice to amp up that sweetness in the Chia Jam.
The Chia seeds are remarkable binders and serve as a natural gelatin.

Apple Pie Jam


To find a breakfast parfait sans dairy products is challenging. 
O loved the presentation and the taste reminded me of a sincere Scandinavian muesli with a twist.