Gem & Mineral Show: University of Waterloo
University Museum
The University of Waterloo holds an annual Gem & Mineral Show, free to the public in the Natural Science Museum on campus.
If you know nothing about rocks, but are interested in 'Rock Nerd Culture', this is the place to be!
If you know nothing about rocks, but are interested in 'Rock Nerd Culture', this is the place to be!
Petrified Wood
Amber Test
Along with various companies that sell gems, stones and fossils of all kinds, the museum hosts their regular exhibit featuring bones, teeth, petrified wood and more!
O & C were interested in the glimmering rocks for a while, but both of them stayed glued to the dinosaur exhibits!
O & C were interested in the glimmering rocks for a while, but both of them stayed glued to the dinosaur exhibits!
Highgate Mastadon
"The 10,500 year old mastodon was discovered in 1886 close to the town of Highgate, Windsor Ontario." "There have been 111 finds of skeletal remains of mastodons and mammoths between Windsor and Belleville."
Duck-billed Dinosaur
Ice Age Cave Bear
Duck-billed footprint
Dino Teeth
Captorhinus Aguti
One of the earliest reptiles from the Permian age 229-251 million years ago!
Icthyosaurs: Fish Lizard
Hunters of the sea from the Triassic era 230 million years ago. This replica from a speciman in Germany and indicates remains of six embryo inside the mother. They bore live young and had no gills, so like the modern whale, had to surface for air.
The Gneiss Guy
I planned to purchase a few pieces for activities at home, namely Light Box activities and learning to use the microscope and magnifying glass. Most simple bits were under $10 and there were loads of tables that had samplings for $1 a piece. We were not out to buy diamonds, just learn more about various types of formations and where they originate.
My favourite and most expensive purchase ($5) was at The Gneiss Guy from Fergus Ontario. His collection is extensive and he features bits from all corners of the globe.
I picked a piece of Calcite from Hunan, China.
O bought a 'Fossil Grab Bag' for $1 with three specimans and explanations of their origins.
She would have rather received some dino teeth!
O bought a 'Fossil Grab Bag' for $1 with three specimans and explanations of their origins.
She would have rather received some dino teeth!
T-Rex: Tyrant Lizard King
A replica of the King of the Lizards was in full view!
His massive head sans teeny brain! T-Rex remains are found in North America dating 65 million years ago. They were among the last of the dinosaurs to become extinct.
The Great Lakes
This ingenious fountain is a replica of the Great Lakes, to scale!!
Make your own!