Daily Doodle: Bear on Rollerskates
Fine Lines
During little intermissions in the day, I often give O an open-ended activity like play dough, salt or scented rice. Yesterday I gave her some Sunshine Salt on a baking sheet and she requested a chop stick to go with it.
Then she proceeded to make these dainty designs with the tip of the chop stick.
Bear on Roller Skates
The next time I turned around, she had drawn what she titled, 'Bear on Rollerskates'
Being a biased mother and all, I thought to myself, this illustration is made for literature!
Plus I envied how children take a tool and turn it into a beautiful piece of art, so naturally!
Then she turned the chopstick on it's side and erased her bear like an Etch-a-Sketch board!
This week, I read about an author I had never heard of, but likely would benefit from getting to know! Keri Smith writes books to destroy! Kind of. 'Wreak this Journal' http://www.amazon.com/Wreck-This-Journal-Black-Expanded/dp/0399161945/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1427452937&sr=8-7&keywords=Keri+Smith prompts you to create and then destroy 'Finish This Book' http://www.amazon.com/Finish-This-Book-Keri-Smith/dp/0399536892/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1427453320&sr=8-4&keywords=Keri+Smith encourages you to take up where she left off, 'How to be an Explorer of the World' http://www.amazon.com/How-Be-Explorer-World-Portable/dp/0399534601/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_cp_8_MS4F?ie=UTF8&refRID=09VVGEFR43WZ787MJKVJ suggests ways to keep in touch with life around you.
The Artists Way. I love this book so much, it was on my book list, but I already owned it (it had just been in storage a while!) http://www.amazon.com/Artists-Way-Julia-Cameron/dp/1585421464/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1427453368&sr=8-1&keywords=Julia+Cameron Cameron takes a gentle approach to opening up the creative side we all have within and examines reasons why people become out of touch with their inner artist.