Mini Book Necklaces

 Mini Book Love!
Tiny Book.
Huge Hit!

Inspiration abound, I put together these tiny felt necklaces that double as reading material!
Starting with 'Leafcutter Designs' for inspiration.
I LOVE this company (seed coins! teeny parcels! mini letters!). Alas they are American, so no-can-do this side of the continent.
For 'Poem in Your Pocket Day' we created mini felt envelopes, courtesy of this creative company!

Then inspiration from Tiny Journal Necklace and the Mini Book of Major Events

Felt is ever-forgiving (mostly due to it's lack of fray) so I took our plush beige felt for the inside cover and a squirrel-y gray for the jacket. To add the ribbon necklace, I found the halfway by folding the beige felt and inserted the ribbon, before sewing the jacket and inner cover together.

Step 1 
(Jacket, Inside Cover & Ribbon Necklace)
 Step 2
(Inside Page, sewn top and bottom ONLY)

The inside page will be used to secure the paper booklet, which must be held in place, but can be replaced with new stories/pictures. 
For that reason, I simply sewed a few stitches in the top and bottom centerfold.

Then I measured paper strips to slide in, measuring 1 1/2 by 4 inches to be held snug yet removable.
Stack a few strips of paper and sew down the center.
Slide them into place.

These will sleep in our 'Story Jar' as we grow and our imaginations develop (mine included!) so they can be used time and again.
Good for Daily Doodle's, story-telling, alphabet reference, field notes, keeping thoughts and sketches!
