Orange You Glad it's Science: Predict, Plunk, Pour!

A sweet little experiment for post-holiday blah's

 Buoyant with Peel
Pajama Science happens first thing in the morning; simple experiments that take place over breakfast.
This one fit the bill.
We set up this experiment with three P's; Predict, Plunk & Pour
...and ended it with eating oranges!

Naked Sinker

The day after, we discovered a clementine and decided to try our little experiment on him.
Notably different, we wondered if his size and the thinness of skin would change the results.

Not at all.
The little guy floated easily with skin.
We're not sure what happened without skin as Baby C got her hands on him and made herself breakfast!

So we continued on with an apple, skin on and skin free, floating either way.
We concluding that the porous skin of the orange must be involved in the buoyancy factor.