Have Your Cake: Lessons in Learning
Passion makes a great student.
After reading the delicious words of Dutch author Toon Tellegan, 'Letters to Anyone & Everyone', the planning took place.
They decided they would take orders and make cakes.
Next morning, waking before the sun, they were raring and refusing recipes.
Collecting and collaborating they developed what they hoped would be the best tasting experiment in history.
Mostly, they just wanted it to turn out pink!
A sweet read!
'Elbow deep in blueberries'
I didn't dare walk into the kitchen and disrupt the work.
Well, only once.
There I discovered our three-year old, elbow deep in a bag of frozen blueberries and clearly a heart filled with fleeting freedom!
I turned and walked back out, none the wiser.
When the cake was baked and iced the chef's weighed in.
"Does this taste horrible?"
"We shouldn't make cake anymore."
(long pause)
"We should make lemon meringue pie!!!"