Sci Fri: Sprouts & Sun
Although this experiment was not particularly complicated to set-up, it allowed us to review the Scientific Method and also seques into the decrease in sunshine that autumn brings.
We set up two sprout jars: one for the cupboard and one for the windowsill.
Using the same three types of legumes (black bean, lentil and navy bean) we wet paper towels in hopes to see sprouts over the next several days.
Pose question/problem
What will happen to a seed/bean if it's denied sunlight?
Form hypothesis/educated guess
Miss O: My jar won't sprout tails.
Miss C: My lentil will sprout first!
Develop experiment w controls & variables
Both jars used three legumes (black, navy bean and lentil)
Both jars were supplied water before paper towel dried out
Day 1-Tiny Tail on Miss C's lentil
Day 2-Tiny tails on all of the windowsill legumes
Day 3-Tails barely begun on Miss O's lentil. No other tails present
Analysis & Conclusion
Overnight, Miss C's lentil did sprout a tiny tail.
Over three days, Miss O's legumes had very little tails in comparison to Miss C's windowsill friends.
Over three days, Miss O's legumes had very little tails in comparison to Miss C's windowsill friends.