Sci Fri: Solid vs Liquid Beeswax
Wonderful Wax
It looks good enough to eat, but it's actually natures modeling medium (thanks to the bee's!)
Beware of little brothers that think it's candy!
Three Years
Nearly five years ago, a little girl was interested in creating with her hands, all of the time.
The more mediums the better, but wax was wonderful; it feels smooth and smells even better.
Fast forward five years and that same girl continues to need the many of the same things; to constantly create, be hugged often, apples readily available and to be read to until you can't stand the sound of your own voice.
We've worked on the wax though, making it more pliable and easy to manipulate.
We combined the coloured beeswax (Stockmar brand, loved by Waldorf-ers) in a mason jar resting in boiling water with some coconut oil before pouring the liquid wax into heart molds.
Pour a cup of tea, warm your hands and work on shaping and modeling.