Daily Doodle: Limited Palette Landscape


Limited Palette Landscape was a no-brainer for today's Daily Doodle.
Limiting palette forces us to consider colour in unconventional ways.
This was a true challenge for our Colour Queen, with cries of ,"Why can't I use all of the colours!?"
We agreed to limit the palette to three colours and we would add one 'Pop' at the end.

 Purple, blue and pink

Two cool colours and one warm, helped drive home the winter theme. 

Miss O painted leaf-less purple tree's with pink shadows and included the tree swing.
Her 'Pop' colour was yellow for the sunrise.

Miss C painted two smiley faced tree's, blue clouds, purple bird tracks in the snow and added a red fox with purple legs for her 'Pop'.

Loads of inspiration came from our picture book reads of the week.