Inkblot Clouds

Most adults can't look at Inblots without thinking Rorschach Tests, but Inkblot Art is a great symmetry and imagination project. We combined our Inkblot Art with our cloud and rain theme.

First we looked at sky being more colours than simply blue and choose some cardstock to represent 'colours of the sky'.

Then fold your papers in half, before squirting on some paint drips. In this case, we stuck to white, but you can get a nice, marbled effect by using a variety of colours together.

Then we tried to guess what each inkblot resembled.
There were varying interpretations for each sample.

We read the book It Looks Like Spilt Milk. Though not exactly Inkblot Art, it represents cloud shapes and variation.

Playful Learning features a simple chart on Cloud Formations.
Our Inkblot Art and Spilt Milk book focused primarily on Cumulus formations.

The Kids Should See This. Great site for short clips on every subject under the sun.