Sci Fri: Toad vs Frog
Toad on the Beach
Why are toads so happy all of the time?
They eat what bugs them.
'Amplexus' Frogs amidst their 'Mating Hug'
As soon as Spring arrives and the amphibians are out, voluntary pond science is in action.
We took Science Friday for me to learn the depth of hands-on biology that takes place outdoors.
My first quest was to have the kids explain the difference between frogs and toads.
I asked if they could identify a skeleton, based on their understanding.
They were certain the skeleton was that of a frog, due to the presence of teeth!
As I sat with my little Nature Anatomy book learning the differences, they took turns noting them (I read more slowly then they explained them to me!) and added ones that weren't included.
Such as the fact that toads aren't swimmers, so their feet aren't webbed!
We opened up Outdoor Art Time, for those interested, with some observation art.
Scientists uninterested, returned to the pond to continue their biology labs!
We took this book out of the library so many times, I finally made the leap and purchased it (on sale!)
It is fully loaded, teeming with colourful photographs and quick bits of information about nature worldwide.
Not much of a Field Guide, at a whopping 600+ pages, but a great reference for table studies.