Sci Fri: Beaver Buildings

Our Sci Fri project doubled as an engineering challenge: create a dam that does not allow water to pass through.
We started by reading the Lumberman & the Engineer by Thorton Burgess to learn about the methods and materials beavers use to build. Then each child was given a tray to serve as a mock body of water. They had to collect supplies they thought would help in the construction of their dam (river pebbles, clay, moss and sticks).

We watched two short clips on beaver dam building; one from a student who argues the benefits to beaver dams in a stop motion video, the second a quick clip on a busy beaver in action.

Mr M has memorized his favourite read of the week!
Quite a cute story about a mole who believes he loses his glasses and ends up in the burrows of other underground families!

The poem and pictures are enough to pick up this Autumn read.
Beautiful story about how animals prepare for the changing season and coming cold weather.