20 Days of Play: Sun (Sequencing & Symbols)

This activity was born from Storytelling with Form Drawing.
We took a story about a Polar Bear and an Old Man in the wintertime and I created symbols to represent different objects from the story. I kept the symbols tucked away.

Then I wrote the names of objects on slips of paper.
The kids had to draw the slips and draw an image in sand, to represent the word.
From there, they compared images to see if they were similar to one anothers.
The discussion about images representing more than one object came up. Our goal was to make symbols that clearly represented the words.

Sometimes the symbols were very similar.
We agreed these were strong images to represent a word.

Once they had a try at all of the word cards, I introduced my symbol cards for them to match.
The symbols were similar to Waldorf Form Drawing lines.

Once those were matched, I read the poem aloud for Story Sequencing.
Now these images acted as reminders for the children to re-tell the poem in their own words.