Hot Snow

Do not be deceived by Sensory Play and it's value amoung all ages.
Every time I bring out sensory science of sorts for Mr. M, his older siblings step right up to see when they will be invited to join in.

The activities we post are only a snippet of what we actually do in a day.
We have so many failed recipes or projects that never make it to record.
Snow dough is one example.
Many varieties have been made, only to return the this recipe we found years ago; a substitute for Salt Dough, using cornstarch, baking soda and water.
It results in a smooth, pliable, inviting dough that can be baked to harden, or contained for another sensory hour.
Play Clay
~1/2c cornstarch
~1c baking soda
~3/4c water
Cook on medium high heat until recipe thickens into ball.
Knead and add essential oils as desired.
Work with warm dough in cold months to add to the sensory value.

Smash Math. Have child roll into variety of balls. Write out subtraction equation in which the child can 'smash' the answer.
Trucks and Tracks. Add toy trucks and tractors to play, to make marks in the 'snow'. 
Spelling Stamps. Add letter stamps to play clay for spelling practice.