Map Monday: 'Hot & Cold' Coordinates Game & Map Work
The original suggestion for this game is to place 16 paper cups on the grid and hide an item under one.
The players then take guesses by rhyming off various coordinates and the 'Hider' declaring if they are 'hot' or 'cold'. The final correct guess receives the hidden item as a prize.
We played with slight variation (to avoid using all those cups and eating candy!)
We each had a wooden player. the 'Hider' would write the coordinate of their choosing on a paper and as we took guesses, guide us with 'hot' and 'cold'.
This game was a warm-up for the Map Work to follow.
Arctic & Antarctica
I provided two atlases (one for children, that was large, contained a country/continent per page and has clear, square grids)Along with the atlas was a clipboard that listed the places each child had to find coordinates for.
Places in the World
As the second atlas was more detailed and complex, I included the page number.
Once they had written coordinates for all of the countries and cities (provinces) listed, they had to write several place for me to find.