Vegan Bites: Foraged Berry Brownie Cake

Fairy-worthy cookie-based cake.
Foraged berries are sacred around here!
It's just the start of the season, so we highlighted the only handful on top of this mini raw cake.

Raw Brownie
*If you have a large, circular cookie cutter, you can press the cookie crust and raw brownie into the mould.
Cookie Crust
~1 c buckwheat groats (toasted, not needing to be cooked)
~1c dates
~1t  cacao powder
~1t  vanilla
Blend and pat in pan.

Raw Brownie
~2½ c dates
 ~1 1/2c sesame seeds/nuts
~6 T carob powder
~1 1/2 t vanilla
~2t water
~1/4 t  salt
Process and pat in pan.

Chocolate Icing
~2 avocado
~1/2c carob
~1 1/2t coconut sugar
~1/2 c honey