Sci Fri: Water Collection by Solar Still

While we are learning about the continent of Africa, we decided to talk about the issue of water, specifically clean and accessible water. First we learned about Sabina and what lack of accessible clean water means to her family
We followed up with several picture books based on girls and women in Africa who spend their day collecting water for their families. The Water Princess  

"How can we collect water with help of the Sun?"

There are a variety of ways to collect and purify water. In Sabina's case, when the water from the river was not clean, they resolved to dig a hole nearby so the soil could offer as a filter.
For our experiment, we created a Solar Still.
Being by digging a hole (preferably in a sunny spot.)
Place moist matter (fresh grass, fresh leaves, even urine!) in the bottom of the hole with a collection cup on top.
Cover with clear plastic and secure with stones. The more you seal the space, the better for results.

A stone/weight in the center is necessary for water to pool into your collection container. Although this is counted as 'slow science', if it is a sufficiently sunny day, you can see immediate results with condensation.

Towards the evening, we returned to see how much water was collected.
Mr. M managed to collect the most water (and insects!) He also happened to collect the most moist matter (he was keen on grass cuttings!) Not so sure he didn't pee in his hole in the name of science!