Word Wednesday: Spanish Language Games


In order to make Pirinola's, we had to refresh our polygon knowledge.We created a 60 degree triangle stencil to build a hexagon.

When the hexagons were ready, we learned a little Spanish to play the game. Everyone starts with ten tokens and places one in the center. Take turns spinning the Pirinola make into a pencil top. Pon Uno (put it one), Pon Dos (put in two), Tomo Uno (take one), Tomo Dos (take two). https://www.spanishplayground.net/hispanic-heritage-month-games/
The object of the game is to end up with all of the tokens.


Los Pollitos. This version is by my favourite, Elizabeth Mitchell. I love that she sings the words in both Spanish and English.

Somos Amigos. The Okey Dokey Brothers teamed with a Mexican band to create this Spanglish song. https://genius.com/The-okee-dokee-brothers-somos-amigos-lyrics