Plants & Elements (Waldorf Veil Painting)
Waldorf-style learning is based on nature and arts, therefore they often combine both for beautiful science illustrations. For our botany studies, we painted these Plants & Elements charts.
This also afforded us an opportunity to attempt a new-to-us Waldorf painting technique: veil painting. Ultimately, it involves painting, drying and painting with overlap to create a veil effect. The tutorial we chose was petal painting. frame your paper and draw two concentric circles in the center. Paint a watercolour wash around the outer circle and the center circle. Allow this to dry while preparing your veil petal painting on a separate piece of paper. Cut and glue your flower the the top. Add stem, leaves and roots curling around the circle and ending at the bottom (Earth). Label the parts of the plant on the inside circle and corresponding elements on the outer.
You can further this study by looking at parts of the plant and coinciding seasons; noting the similarities.