Sci Fri: Insect Experiments
For Sci Fri, we took a handful of hands-on experiments from 'The Insect-o Files' to test out. The first was a flying experiment- which involved cutting out a 1" section of paper roll, attaching paper wings and re-attaching the section upside down. When pushing on the inverted section, the wings flap, demonstrating muscles in an insects thorax that contract to create flapping.
Fly Guy. Our second most successful experiment was creating compound eyes. Apparently instructions were not explicit enough, as Mr. M taped his vision and added his compound eyes to the side! This would be best with mini mirrors, but we substituted aluminum foil with a similar effect.
Insects have vision that allows them to see around the side without moving their head. We created cardboard compound eyes in a triangle and attached them to the center of lenseless glasses.
We also learned how bees buzz, what attracts flies and more in this very hands-on book!