Landscape with Wet Felting
First, you have to purchase some felt, also known as roving wool or fleece. Its carded wool, so it's super soft and peels apart like fluffy clouds-sensationally sensory in other words. There are loads of projects (felt beads, felt bowls, felt slippers!) but we started with felt landscape.
You require a towel, plastic/bubble wrap, mesh (we cut the mesh bags lemons are sold in), felt in a variety of colours, and a bowl of soapy warm water.
I had each artist choose three favourite colours of pencil crayons to sketch up a landscape background first. Divide a piece of scrap paper into thirds and block in your base colours. Then match your colours to roving wool.
Then lay your colours of choice horizontally on top. Be sure if you have solid colour wool, to lace colour with a shade lighter or darker to add some depth. For example, if you chose turquoise, purple and blue, lace small strands of lighter turquoise, purple and blue on corresponding colours. That way it looks more accurately like a sky or sea or bed of grass than solid colours stacked on top of one another.
You can also add some small details: sun, birds, flowers, trees. Simply 'draw' them on with roving wool. Alternately, you can stitch/embroider details on when the piece is completely dry or combine felting and embroidery for details and outlining.
Once it's wet, begin rolling it up in the towel in one direction, unroll and roll again the other direction. The more you do this, the more the fibers will be irritated and stick together.
When you think you have irritated your art enough, unroll, remove the mesh and let air dry in a warm place. hang from a tiny branch or cut of dowel.