Marshmallow Experiment: 2022
The Marshmallow Experiment.
I witnessed this social experiment on a youtube video several years ago.
I couldn't get my hands on some veg-friendly marshmallows fast enough to witness the results.
Even several years later-the results only made me smile.
If you are having a tough day-borrow some kids and some marshmallows and try this.
M: Can I touch the marshmallow?
C: "If you touch it, it makes it more tempting."
Me: "Yes, you can touch it."
C: "Does it count if you touch it and lick your fingers?"
Me: "No tasting."
(M playing hot potato with marshmallow. O distracting herself with her camera.)
Me: "No distractions. BE with your marshmallow."
M: "Can we go away from the marshmallow?"
Me: "The point is to sit with the temptation."
(M sets his marshmallow on the other side of the table.)
M: "I REALLY want to eat this."
(C licks her eraser. M retrieves marshmallow and pinches it.)
M: "UH! I can't eat it. I want to eat it. I don't like this game."
M: "Mom! She (C) licked her marshmallow! She's licking her marshmallow! This time she ACTUALLY is! LOOK MOM!"
M: "Does it count if you streeeetch it?"
(M hides under table, while holding his marshmallow that sits on top of the table.)
Me: "Okay, times up. Who gets the second marshmallow?"
(Three hands go up. Big smiles. M stuffs both in mouth as fast as he can.)