Edible Skin (Central Nervous System)
The kids were crazy keen to create Edible Skin-they knew this project was on the horizon and involved sugar! The night before, we plastered some apple sauce in the dehydrator for the top EPIDERMIS layer. Then the day of, we boiled 1 1/3c pomegranate juice: 1t agar agar (powered sea vegetable, aka natural gelatin). Once this was set in a small, shallow pan, we sliced out our DERMIS into thirds. Lastly, we layered marshmallows (HYPODERMIS) at the bottom.
To finish it off, we poked some holes through the EPIDERMIS (dehydrated applesauce) for 'hair'.
While everyone was enjoying their tasty edible skin, the big kids created this paper skin model courtesy of Ellen McHenry https://ellenjmchenry.com/cut-and-assemble-paper-model-of-human-skin/