Extracting Strawberry DNA (Genetics)


Fantastic (and nearly instantaneous) experiment looking at the DNA in strawberries. First we defined DNA (a molecule found in cells holding unique genetic coding/holding instructions necessary for life.) DNA is not visible without a high powered microscope, but this experiment aids the strawberry cells to break down into individual parts. There were many sites that offered this experiment but Little Bins for Little Hands did the best job of explaining it clearly. https://littlebinsforlittlehands.com/strawberry-dna-science/?epik=dj0yJnU9dHZtaUhHRU1JTUo2bUxKMFN1cDJMUldSSG5PZkhiakkmcD0wJm49WXN0UlVFRllGanhwWWk0UUtsUTZiUSZ0PUFBQUFBR1FQMVJ3


We didn't have a test tube, just a good old mason jar, so we thought it best to use a larger quantity of strawberries to extract more juice. The filtering of juice...took a while.... 

Within seconds of the cooled rubbing alcohol being poured into the strained juice + soap solution, the divide occurred right before our eyes!


A little picture book to explain cells in layman's terms; Cells: An Owners Handbook by Carolyn Fisher