Earth Day: Phenology Wheel (Soil)


A phenology wheel demonstrates seasons, through the changes that show up in nature. For example, if we were to make a phenology wheel of the year, you could draw the wheel in quarters and for each slice, draw what a tree looks like in winter, spring, summer and fall.

Or, in our case, you can further examine a single season, by the changes that take place within those few months. What better season to demonstrate rapid change than Spring! Our phenology wheel was inspired by information provided in the book Spring Treasury. Clues in nature for when the plant your vegetables!

Crocus blooms: plant cool weather crops such as lettuce, peas and radish
Dandelions bloom: plant potato
Lilac & apple blossoms plant cucumber, green bean and squash
Iris & peony blooms: plant pepper, eggplant and melon
Peach & plum blooms: plant carrot, beet, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage
Lily of the valley blooms: plant tomato